Hello there!

I’m the heart behind Lighten, but more importantly, I’m a mum just like many of you. I’ve navigated the waters of being a stay-at-home mum, wrestled with the demands of working odd hours, and faced the challenges of building a business—all while trying to be the best mum I can be to my two wonderful girls.

Let's be honest, the juggle is incredibly real. My life isn’t a series of perfectly curated Instagram posts. More often than not, you’ll find me sporting a peanut butter streak in my hair, rather than the latest fashion trend. Admin tasks? I’d rather not. But like you, I want to soak up every precious moment with my kids and do the best I can do in life as well.

One day, amidst the chaos of parenting and the endless mental load of household management, I found myself wondering: Who’s going to help us? Who’s there for the parents who are spread too thin, trying to do it all? And then it hit me—we are! All my mum and dad friends around the world helping each other survive and laugh at the craziness everyday. So why not build something from the ground up that truly understands and addresses our needs?

That’s how Lighten was born. It’s more than just an AI assistant; it’s a labor of love of all of us working together, crafted to lighten the load for parents everywhere. Lighten is here to tackle the invisible work that weighs us down, from managing the family calendar, to helping to connect with our partners and everything in between.

Lighten is for all of us to build together, for families who crave a bit more ease and joy in their daily lives. It’s for those of us who dream of less stress and more laughter, fewer lists and more living.

So, from one parent to another, I invite you to join our family. Let’s navigate this beautiful, messy journey of parenthood together, supporting one another every step of the way. Because if there’s one thing I’ve learned, it’s that together, we can make the juggle a little more manageable and a lot more enjoyable.

Welcome to a new way of living, loving, and laughing—join me in making Lighten better for all of us.

Founder, Fellow Parent, and Chief Juggler